>> 53 DIAMONDS - lyrics




1. 53 Diamonds (Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado)

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Imagine being presented with this
You know the idea of being after dinner
And you both got dressed up
And it’s lovely
And it feels like the perfect evening 
And then this little box appears on the table
That’s magnificent, isn’t it?

So you decided you wanna go out, right?
Cos you’re smart, right?
You wanna go
You wanna go
You wanna go

Collectors out there mark my words
Make up your minds if you’re looking for exclusivity
Or… if you’re looking for a piece that communicates without words
Or actually when you give people jewellery like this - I mean -
It’s like the most awesome compliment you could ever pay or be paid, right?
Shall we do the dream? Lets just do the dream.

Collectors out there!
There are diamonds and diamonds.
We all love diamonds.
For example… how many diamonds do we have in this piece?
There are 53 diamonds here.
How many diamonds did you have on your engagement ring?
They say with every step, every stone… love grows.
And the hardest and the most durable naturally forming material on the planet…
And this one is famous for its hardness
There are diamonds and diamonds
Some are invincible
And the more intense the colour the more valuable

No… do not tell me tell me this.
Yes I will take my ring off.
Ahhh enjoy wearing this for me!
Oh boy!
There are 53 diamonds surrounding this piece.
53 diamonds surrounding this piece!
We just adore it!
Adore it!
Adore it!
Like I said before…
I knew you‘d love the round
I knew you’d love the round
The round is such an appealing cut
And this cut… Oh man!
Enjoy wearing this for me…
But wait, wait…
Oh boy!
A total of 67 pieces were just stolen!
Including 42 bridal pieces!
No! no! no! no! … do not tell me this!
Do not tell me this!
Well… you still have yours
And like I said before…
Enjoy wearing this for me
Now its all gone
All gone but yours
53 diamonds surrounding this piece
All yours!
Unique! Yours!
Enjoy wearing this for me
53 diamonds surrounding this piece!
I adore it!

2. Intermission ( Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado)

3. If ( Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado)

Are you still with me?

If….she was never able to go shopping, exercise, or cross the streets alone
And if she suddenly doesn't need your company
It may mean that someone else is filling your shoes.
It's possible… that she just needs time to herself but…
If she is unusually independent when she used to be overly needy
It may be a sign that she's just no longer as needy of you.
She used to get angry if you didn't want to meet her for lunch
Or come out with her and her friends
But now everything you do is all right by her
Once upon a time, your every move had to be premeditated
But now all the small things you used to mess up are not enraging her anymore
This could be a good thing.
You wonder…. why she no longer cares?

Are you still with me?

She's no longer sharing her daily events with you
And… in order to find out what she's doing you need to break open her diary
Of course, you could always ask
But… when you do ask her questions, she turns the tables on you

Why you don’t present her with a new piece?

4. Painted Baby (Bruno Verner /  Eliete Mejorado)

The first images they broadcast to the world showed a pretty little girl in heavy make-up
And flamboyant costumes parading across a stage.
At the time, the media described her as a painted baby, a sexualised beauty queen.
Ten years on she is back in town for a series of shows to mark the release of her new record
Singing Like a White Bird vol 2.
Meet Makeila Campanelli Masiero

There are diamonds and diamonds
Collectors and Collectors
Sinners and Singers
Singers and Singers
Rivers and Rivers
Too much to choose from
Are you still with me?

5. Joy (Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado)

6. From Now On ( Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado)

Depois de noite longa, volto em primeira pessoa, dedicando-me exclusivamente à narrativa de meu país.
Verde Amarelo Azul Anil e suas 27 estrelas: triunfo orquestral de raças, crenças e criolagem.
Em nossa narrativa o espaço: São Paulo, Belo Horizonte e Salvador.
Em nossa história os personagens: Margareth, Bill, Bruno, Eliete e Alban Berg.
Em nossa descrição o tempo: verão avassalador de 1987, 38 ou 39 graus centígrados.
Os números: 1 a 9
O peso: 27 estrelas
A medida: 3 minutos por tracks, 110 compassos pela estrutura de cada canção.
A linguagem: Passado, Presente e Futuro. Past, Present and Future.

So let’s start by reading a short story about Margareth and Bill.
A strange couple who used to live upstairs my apartment flat in Perdizes, São Paulo.
So flashback to the early 80’s when I first saw Margareth in the elevator.

- Hi, my name’s Margareth. Nice to meet you  When did you move? Are you married? -  she asked informally
 And I said:
- I moved from Belo Horizonte with my husband and my two kids two weeks ago.  
 And she said:
- Ohh you’ve got kids!!! What are their names? How old are they?
- You know, I live with my husband but we don’t have any children. His name is Bill. He’s a musician.
- If you need some help, don’t hesitate to call me. My flat number is 94 - she said as I took my keys.

Although I was not used to making conversation with people I met in lifts, I became her friend.

Então, a medida que nos tornávamos amigas, comecei a perceber que Margareth era obcecada por meus filhos.
Seus tópicos preferidos em conversas corriqueiras, conversas de elevador, conversas de portaria, ou mesmo em reuniões condominiais
Eram baseados em artigos de revistas e programas de TV.
Things like “Growing up Together”, “What’s up Dr Ruth” and “Família”.

Como tópicos de interesse, vi, ouvi e presenciei assuntos diversos:

1- “saúde e bem estar de crianças”
2- “enxovais para noivas”
3- “primeiros sinais da adolescência”.
ou “como agir mediante problemas respiratórios enfrentados por crianças asmáticas”.

Meu marido não a conhecia pessoalmente.
De minha parte também não conhecia Bill.

No entanto, estavámos ligados por um só bloco concreto.
Morávamos no mesmo edifício.
Ela no andar de cima. Eu no andar de baixo

This is the end of part one. Margareth got her keys and entered her flat.
Goodnight Bruno.

7. Faites Moi Dormir (Bruno Verner/ Eliete Mejorado)

8. G.O.D or D.O.G (Bruno Verner/ Eliete Mejorado)

- Hi. Um, Dois, Três.....................................................Pausa
- Un deux, trois. Take your seats. Boa Noite.
- Tonight we’re going to talk about GODS, AIR-HOSTESSES, PROSTITUTAS CHINESAS.
Mulheres de guerra que atendiam em 1997 - exatamente há um ano atrás -  por nomes como:
- SUE.

Na manhã de domingo, 29 de janeiro, China, desembarcam no aeroporto de SETSUAN, três belos jovens, com idades entre 28 e 35, bem vestidos, carregando 3 maletas de couro nobre - cada uma com as seguintes iniciais G. O. D. - which probably means GOD or DOG.
Os rapazes atendiam por nomes como:
Eram americanos.
Traziam no olhar e no sorriso a velha confiança ocidental.
O velho mito americano.
Eram do novo mundo.
Eram tratados com diferença.
Eram loiros. Vinham de Washington com uma escala em Atlanta, antes de seguirem rumo a SETSUAN
Em SETSUAN, no aeroporto, signos chineses - versados, traduzidos e transcriados em alfabeto ocidental - mais precisamente falando: ENGLISH - os levaram até o centro de informações para turistas estrangeiros.
Estavam procurando espaço.
Estavam procurando hotel.
Estavam procurando gente.
No guichê a primeira pergunta:
- Excuse me Sir.
I’m looking for a quiet place,
not very expensive,
not very luxurious,
near downtown,
and please ...
near some typical restaurant!
E um jovem senhor, de estatura média, pele opaca, unhas levemente sujas de sua caneta tinteiro respondeu prontamente:
- I’m sorry Sir., but SETSUAN is completely crowded. Full of tourists from all over the world because of the Olympic Asian Games.
Our city has never been so visited like this year.
Acho praticamente impossível alojá-los ainda hoje.
Então um dos rapazes disse:
- Is there any other tourist information in SETSUAN?
e assertativamente o chinês respondeu:
- I’m afraid not.  Mas, acredito que posso fazer algo por vocês. Tenho uma amiga que talvez possa recebê-los. Sua casa fica no extremo sul de SETSUAN, não é muito luxuosa e também não muito espaçosa.
Minha amiga mantém e administra, em seu primeiro andar, um velho bar freqüentado pela ala nobre/decadente da região. Seu nome é Chen-Te. Uma jovem chinesa com planos de expandir o seu negócio.
Uma comunidade destinada a homens sem fé.
Homens de esposas doentes.
Homens de política e...
Homens da chamada Saúde Pública em SETSUAN.
Acho que só Chen-Te poderá recebê-los. Não acho elegante dizer, mas os americanos têm sido boicotados em SETSUAN.
This city has no room for Americans.
And the young American prince said:
- Thank you.

9. Three Bullets (Bruno Verner/ Eliete Mejorado)

Well well well…this way I could walk the streets again without pain

So every Wednesday morning I’d walk in Ibirapuera Park

I would put on my sunglasses…my jogging trousers, my trainers and this way I could stare at people.
I must say… It was nice, it was fresh… it was amazing… Let’s say… it was pretty important to me.Well… to make myself clear… or to begin to understand what it is all about…
We have to look west… We have to look south… east… north… We have to look everywhere…
And we must come back there…  So, please… back to that silent Wednesday morning…
Where you and I spent time off
It was a public toilet… and I was washing my hands…and I was rubbing my face.
As I went out…  I saw this blond tall young guy who called me out…
Eliete Mejorado…Then I turned out… took off my sunglasses… and he said.
Could I have your autograph… could you sign my album?
And I did
Then he pulled the trigger, pumping 3 bullets into my back and arm…
They say… he has no identity… they say he’s nobody… he’s nothing… he is the nowhere man
In Dec 8, 1999 I was murdered in cold blood.
They say this guy had been stalking me since I had decided it was time to be back.
They call me A Rainha do Parque… that means The Queen of Ibirapuera.
I was there… I’ve been here… and I’ll be there.

10. Learning to Relax (Bruno Verner/ Eliete Mejorado)