All songs written by Bruno Verner & Eliete Mejorado
Produced by Tetine, recorded between March to July, London 2019
Bruno Verner, vox, vocals, bass, keyboards, programming, drum machine, samplings and occasional guitars
Eliete Mejorado, vox, vocals, keyboards, organ, sampling, tapes, fx


1- Canibalia
(Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado)

I should like to see your blood
Your brains on a chopping block
And I would like to see
All your sex swimming
In a lake of blood
I could drink from your skull
I could bathe my feet in your guts
I could eat your heart roasted.

Bruno Verner – vox, vocals, programming, keyboards
Eliete Mejorado – keyboards, fx

2 - Konkret Dance
(Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado)

I do what he wants with my tongue
I do what he wants with my legs
I do what I want to my knees
I do, you do, they do (with their knees)

I do what she wants to my tongue
I do what she needs with my legs
I do what she wants with my fingers
I do, they do, you do, (with your fingers)

I do what he wants, I 'm here
I do what he needs with my tongue
I do what she wants with my knees
I do what she needs with my fingers

So plug it in
Turn it on

I do what he wants with my fingers
I do what he wants with my heart
I want what he wants (to my legs)
And I do what she wants with my tongue

I shall do
Cos this is love

Eliete Mejorado, Lead vocals, organ, keyboards, fx
Bruno Verner - organ, drum machine, vocals

3 - This is The Voice
(Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado)

We know the world is speaking genocide
This is the voice
This is the void
This is the void
In the perpetual void
There's no limits for your prejudice ( oh no no no no )
This is the voice / this is the voice of America
This is the voice of ... oooh / this is the void of America 
So what?
So what?
So what?

We know that the world is speaking genocide
Like never before
And with the words and actions
By the new colonialists, the new technicians
engendering your pulse and your soul
And in the world of eruptions and extractions
Can this angry God understand the question?
And this is the void of America
This is the voice of abuse
And wild is the wind
There's no guarantee
Only slavery
And in the third world
And in the fourth world
And wild is the wind in the underground
And still the earth?
This is the voice / this is the voice of America
This is the voice of ... (no) / this is the voice of
This is void of America

Bruno Verner - vox, vocals, programming, synth-bass & keyboards
Eliete Mejorado - keyboards, fx

4 – Dream Baby Dream
(Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado)
Dream like a baby
You don’t seem to notice but
I’m right behind you
And I can hear your voice
This is a city of opportunities
By all means it’s an occasion
It calls for champagne 
Out of this she had her last drink
We should preserve it for posterity
It’s a music piece now
So reverse
You’ve got 7 lives
You came for free trade
I’m for free love
Only you busy shopper
An animal with the demand to make choices
You’re here for commerce
The fourth world is now
The fourth world is here, so let us make the most of it
Did your dad never give you discipline?
Your car, your house, your job, your children, your life
Soon you’ll be killed by the guys in grey suits
They will shoot you down for this
And the shooter says:
It’s military, compulsory, disciplinary 
And if you’re not here I’ll hunt you
And then I’ll shoot your son down like a duck
Dreaming like a baby we go
Dreaming of a thousand lovers
My hands are shaking
We are about to land
We are coming to a land near you
Haven’t I seen you before?
It’s hard to concentrate
So turn the lights out 
Cos I have the tapes for your consideration
For your consideration 
And once discipline begins to sink to the depths of the social
Then the social plague begins
I take my shoes off
Let irradiation takes over
The 4th world is left with whatever is left over
So what? who cares?
Your car, your boobs, your nose, your children 
Everything is visible
Nothing is disguised
We’re about to land
Only 5 minutes and we’ll touch the ground
The fourth world is left with whatever is left over
The fourth world is now
An animal with the demand to make choices
Nothing is changed
You’re here for commerce
I’m here for free love
You followed me, now I’m following you
I’m right behind you
Your car, your house, your job, your children, your boobs, your life
You bought it
And the shooter says:
Those who are wearing shoes won’t remain
Take your clothes off 
We are taking a boat to the end
Bruno Verner - programming, synth-bass, keyboards, sampling
Eliete Mejorado – vox, vocals, keyboards, xylophone

5 - On Ne Badine Pas Avec L’Amour
(Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado/ Alfred Musset)

You are often deceived in love
Often hurt and often unhappy
You turn around to turn back
And you say to yourself
I have often suffered
I have been mistaken sometimes
But I have loved
It is I who have lived
And not a counterfeit
being created by my vanity
and my weariness

On Ne Badine Pas Avec L’Amour

Eliete Mejorado – vox, vocals, keyboards, xylophone
Bruno Verner – synth-bass, keyboards

6 - Loose
(Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado)

Come to me now that you are done
You’re on the corner of love you should stay
You don’t know why I came to this town
You know – no nothing
There’s no background
It’s gonna be a sunny morning
Please come down

I see trouble ahead
We’re stuck on a train
Another kiss of death
So much on display
We both alone in this ghost town
Leading our secret lives & on the prowl
You don’t get a choice
We are trainers
Just don’t let it sway

Over you
We’re still on the loose
This is the corner of love we say
I let it happen on my way

Come to me now that you are done
You’re on the corner of love you should stay
You don’t know why I came to this town
You know nothing
There’s no background
It’s gonna be a sunny morning
Oh yeah
I see trouble ahead
We’re stuck on a train
Another kiss of death
So much on display
We both alone in this ghost town
Leading our secret lives & on the prowl
You don’t get a choice
We are trainers
Just don’t let it sway
Over YOU
We’re still on the move
This is the corner of love we say
I let it happen on my way

I let it happen on my way
So much on display

Yeah Yeah Yeah yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Bruno Verner – vox, vocals, bass, guitars, programming, keyboards, percussion
Eliete Mejorado – keyboards, fx

7 – Why Bandido
(Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado/ Rogerio Sganzerla))

Decretado hoje o Estado de Sítio no país
Um faroeste sobre o terceiro mundo
Da favela do Tatuapé pro mundo
O peixe morre pela boca, o peixe sempre morre pela boca
Cinco minutos de leite de coco… muito leite de coco
Não sou canhoto e não gosto da minha profissão
Eu, o bandido mascarado
Que não respeita a mulher nem a propriedade de ninguém
Meu fraco é mortadela

Ninguém sabe realmente a nacionalidade 
E muito menos a identidade desse jovem criminoso
Subdesenvolvido? Brasileiro? Cubano? Mexicano? Favelado? Português?
Quem tiver de sapato não sobra
O motorista poderá sobreviver, mas caolho
A Amazônia também é Brasil
E o petróleo? é nosso!
O petróleo é nosso


Tentei me matar com tinta óleo mas não deu pé
Agora vou ficar com a tua mulher
E nem um pio 
Nem um pio
Sai de lá faz 15 anos 
Da favela do Tatuapé pro mundo
Eu tinha que avacalhar
Um cara assim só podia avacalhar
Eles me chamam de pistoleiro mas eu não sou ladrão 
Eu não sou ladrão

O terceiro mundo vai explodir e quem tiver de sapato não sobra
Minha mãe tentou me abortar pra eu não morrer de fome
É preciso pecar em dobro 
E quem tiver de sapato não sobra
É que a Amazônia também é Brasil
Sozinho a gente não vale nada
Sozinho ninguém vale nada!

E essa é a verdadeira história de um homem que bebia uma 
garrafa de whisky estrangeiro por dia.
Inventor do macete para ganhar no bicho 
E inventor do método do violão mágico por correspondência
A Terceira Guerra já começou e ninguém tá dando bola
5 minutos de leite de coco… muito leite de coco
Quando a gente não pode fazer nada a gente avacalha
Um cara assim só podia avacalhar

Que miséria meu filho? Que miséria?
Um país sem miséria é um país sem folclore
E um país sem folclore é um país sem turistas
A união faz a força e você faz o que minha filha?
Curto circuito na favela do Tatuapé
O motorista poderá sobreviver, mas caolho
Agora vou ficar com a tua mulher e nem um pio
Nem um pio

É preciso pecar em dobro
É preciso pecar em dobro
O terceiro mundo vai explodir e quem tiver de sapato não sobra
Traz whisky pra todo mundo que o rei da boca paga
Viva a pobreza! Viva a pobreza!
Meu verdadeiro sonho era formar os Estados Unidos da América
Sozinho a gente não vale nada

O negócio é ser grosso
Taco fogo e me mando pra Acapulco, México
Vigia tem que morrer
Quem ganha 80 contos pra guardar 80 milhões tem que morrer
O terceiro mundo vai explodir 
E quem tiver de sapato não sobra
Deus não existe
É preciso pecar em dobro
É preciso pecar em dobro

É preciso pecar em dobro
Que miséria meu filho? Que miséria?
Curto circuito na favela do Tatuapé
Um país sem miséria é um país sem folclore
E um país sem folclore é um país sem turistas
A união faz a força
Traz whisky pra todo mundo
Sozinho a gente não vale nada
Sozinho ninguém vale nada. E dai?

Eliete Mejorado – vox, vocals, tapes, keyboards, fx
Bruno Verner – bass, drum machine, percussion, keyboards

8 – Animal Numeral
(Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado)

Diz que vem diz que vai
Diz que não vou mais
Deixa a cartilha entrar
No Animal Numeral

Deixa a poeira passar
Deixe esse samba esticar, deixa eu entrar
Deixa a poeira assentar pro Animal Numeral

Um Animal Hormonal
Cheio de gozo
Um Animal
Um boneco sentimental
Um arquivo espiritual
Respirando o elo imperial
Um Animal Abissal
Um Animal Racional

De carne e osso
Até o pescoço
No firmamento 
Com o dente exposto
Um Animal Numeral
A serviço do gozo

É na cartilha do abuso
É na cartilha do segredo
É na cartilha do Veludo
Inundação, contaminação 
É na cartilha da desgraça
É na cartilha da fumaça
É na cartilha do desprezo
Eu disse: Difamação,
Contaminação (Liquidação_
No LAMAÇAL (No numeral capital)

De carne e osso
Até o pescoço
No firmamento 
Com o dente exposto
Um Animal Numeral
A serviço do gozo

Deixa esse samba esticar
Deixa esse samba entrar

No Animal Numeral
No Animal Setentrional
No Animal Tropical
No Animal Ilegal

Bruno Verner – vox, vocals, drum machine, synth bass
Eliete Mejorado – keyboards, fx

9 - Rats and Humans
(Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado)

Now let us follow the arsonist
Many witnesses spoke to him.
Sitting in the bench in Bethnal Green
And watching the children play
And watching teenagers hanging around on the edge of the square
He smells of cigarettes

There in the garden there is a man in uniform
There in the garden there is a man in uniform
And I’m under the impression I am late
Very late!
And he says

Last night I dreamed of you
I walk past your house and a man is selling flowers: Two bunches for a fiver. 
And then I see seagulls flying overhead
They come in 5, 6, 7 and began to nest
Look out! They are after your children 

I heard an old song on the radio
And I heard the time, 4:15 in Bethnal Green
Death is imminent. It’s about to happen, it’s about time
And there are corpses underneath the floorboard
And space, and more space and disgrace
And you say there’s no narrative
And Your despair is in my heart.
My despair on your heart
We’ve heard that all before

This must be a race of rats and humans
This must be the place
This must be the race

And time runs
And as I said before
Time is only a fourth-dimension construct
for re-organizing realities
Dreams! Royalties!
And I’ve been waiting for you.
And now we live together.
And now you’re clinging on me like a leaf clings to the threes.
And we sit and eat together
I could eat your heart baby.

This must be a race of rats and humans
This must be the place
This must be the race

Bruno Verner - vox, vocals, synth bass, drum machine, keys
Eliete Mejorado - keyboards, xylophone, fx

10 - Poisoned
(Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado)
Adaption of Alfred Musset

You ask me why I’m going to kill Alexander
Would you have me poison myself then
Or jump in the Arno?
Would you have me be a ghost
And when I strike this skeleton no sound come forth?
If I am the shadow of myself
Would you have me break the only thread
that still connects my heart
to a few fibbers of my former heart?
Do you realise that this murder is all that remains to me of my virtue?
Do you realise that I have been sliding down a steep rock for the past two years
And that this murder is the only blade of grass I can clutch at?
Do you think I have no more pride because I have no shame?
And you want me to let the enigma of my life die in silence?
And yet it is certain, if I could return to virtue
Perhaps I would spare that ox driver
But I love wine, gambling and tarts
If you honour anything in me
You who are speaking here to me
Perhaps merely because you wouldn’t do it
I am sick
I’m sick at hearing humanity bawling in the wind
The world has got to know who I am and who it is
Whether men understand me or not
Whether they act or not
I’ll have to say what I have to say
My whole life is on the top of my dagger
And whether or no Providence turns its head, hearing me strike
I’ll toss human nature’s heads or tails on Alexander’s Grave
In two days, mankind will stand before the tribunal of my will.

Eliete Mejorado – vox, organ, keyboards, fx,
Bruno Verner – drums, keyboards

11 - Shaft Abre Caminho (instrumental)

(Bruno Verner / Eliete Mejorado)
Bruno Verner – keyboards, programming, fx