Main events
1 >> Doing The Catwalk. Live DJ set at The Foundry,
Dec 04/ 16 Trauma or When I became friends with the cockroaches
- a piece of land art performance Milan, Italy.
30th Samba de Monalisa >> Tetine live at Igloo Studios,
London UK
Nov 28th Samba de Monalisa >> Tetine live at Ashcroft
Arts Centre, UK
Nov 16th Samba de Monalisa >> Tetine live at
Emo-Son, Bourges, France

>> Tetine live at Resonance FM.
Oct 30, from 9:30 to 11:30, Tetine play a live set of brand new tracks
including never-released material from past live performances Living
Room (2000) + Learning to Relax (2001) + Doing The Catwalk
is Much Harder Than Acting (2002) and other curiosities. This amazing
initiative comes from Dosensos, an incredible radio show on electronic
music and visual arts broadcast by the first UK radio art station Resonance
104,4 FM.
broadcasts from the heart of London and is simultaneously streamed on
the web at resonancefm.com where
you can also check out their full programme listings. See 'Frieze', 'Seven'
and Wire magazines for recent press reports on Resonance 104.4 Fm.
>> Tetine live at the Whitechapel Art Gallery
Tetine: The Politics of Self-Indulgence
An agitational baroque investigation into self-indulgence that turns the
phrase on its head through a programme of film, video and live music co-curated
with & starring the Brazilian performance-based duo Tetine.
Featuring Taka Limura's relentless, hysteria-inducing Face; Eliete Mejorado's
Learning to Relax 2; the double-screen slide projection Here
She Is Again by Rodrigo Novaes and Tetine; Marina Abramovic's Art
Must Be Beautiful Artist Must Be Beaufiful, Chicks on Speed's Glamour
Girl, Chilly Gonzales' Higher Than You and more! Tetine will
play an exclusive live set of pre-recorded voices & dirty beats to
mark their new audio CD Samba de Monalisa (Sulphur Records' Meld
series), made in collaboration with the artist Sophie Calle.
As part of the programme, Tetine launch Turbo, their fanzine-manifest
especially produced for the event and premier Diabo - a sexy and
saucy bootleg mixing Sex & the City's femme fatale Samantha Jones
with Brazilian singer and songwriter Cassia Eller.

Advance booking is highly recommended:
The Whitechapel Art Gallery
Whitechapel St
London E1
Tel: 44 (0) 20 7522 7888
You can always purchase our cds from: